Car Rental Services Pathankot

Hire Taxi in Pathankot

Car Package For Pathankot
Booking Type Local Usage
Pick-up-Date 23/02/2025
No of days 1

  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare .00
Total Km: 80 Kms.
Parking:Extra(if applicable)
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:/km
Send Request

  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare .00
Total Km: 80 Kms.
Parking:Extra(if applicable)
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:/km
Send Request

Indigo or Equivalent

  • 4
  • 3
  • AC
Available 11
Fare Summary
Total Fare 2400.00
Total Km: 80 Kms.
Parking:Extra(if applicable)
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:250/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:13/km

Innova or Equivalent

  • 6
  • 4
  • AC
Available 11
Fare Summary
Total Fare 3400.00
Total Km: 80 Kms.
Parking:Extra(if applicable)
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:300/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:19/km

Tempo Traveler 12 Seater

  • 12
  • 8
  • AC
Available 16
Fare Summary
Total Fare 8500.00
Total Km: 80 Kms.
Parking:Extra(if applicable)
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:400/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:30/km

Related Routes

Car Hire In Pathankot


Full Day Hire Service


This is a dedicated service designed for a full day travel. We have designed the service to suit a number of local tour purposes including sightseeing, attending meetings, shopping, seminars, visiting hospitals, and a lot more.


Half Day Hire Service


If you don’t have enough time in hand to take a tour, reach us to enjoy a wonderful hassle free tour within the time period you can afford to allot. Some of the most popular services under this category include Airport Transfer in Pathankot, Car rental service for Marriage, party and event, Corporate Cab Rental in Pathankot, Railway Transfer, visiting hospitals and a lot more.


Pathankot Transfer Taxi Rental Services


Our team of experienced professionals have meticulously designed pick and drop services from Pathankot to your desired destinations. Simply choose from any of the following and rest assured about the best tour experience ever:


·               Airport pickups and drops

·               Railway station pickups

·               Hotels pickups and drops

·               Bus stand pickups and drops services


Pathankot Cab Rental Services for Outstation Travel


For all kinds of outstation travel, rely on our special facilities provided under varied categories such as excursions, weekend getaways, and family leisure trip outside the city limits with our car rental outstation travel services.

The Outstation Cab Rental Service is divided into the following:


Roundtrip Hire Service


We believe in offering excellent quality to and fro. This is what we are known for. Our team will also take care of all your Pathankot visit needs. Our roundtrip service is available for various destinations from Pathankot.


One Way Drop Hire Service


Our one way drop hire service will help you enjoy premium quality taxi service to your desired destinations starting from Pathankot.


Multi City Travel Hire Service


Multiple city visits may be full of hassles and inconvenience owing to the nature of travel and limited time travellers usually have in hands. With us, you can rest assured about having a unique travel experience throughout.


Customized Car Rental Packages from Pathankot


If you are looking for something special, reach our dedicated team of experts holding mastery in customizing packages for clients. They will take into account your specific car rental and tour needs and budget.

Some of the popular custom packages offered here include the following:


·               Honeymoon car rental packages

·               Adventure car rental packages

·               Corporate car rental packages

We guarantee the best car rental services in Pathankot at highly affordable prices.




Summer season in Pathankot starts from April and extends till July. June is the hottest month here. Winters in Pathankot start from November and carry on till March. January is the coldest month. Winter rains are seen during January and February.




As per official census report for the year 2011, Pathankot district has a population of 159,909 residents.


Major Business


Pathankot is an economically affluent city as compared to various other towns of the state. Traditionally based on the timber trade, the main economy of the present time comes from stone crushing. Pathankot has also emerged as a commercial center of wholesalers and distributors of consumer goods and services. It caters mainly to Himachal Pradesh, J&K and northwest Punjab. Other contributions to revenue come from supply of crude oil, plastic storage tanks, cotton and mustard oil.


Best Places Visit in Pathankot


Pathankot is a municipal corporation within Punjab and the capital of Pathankot district.  The ideal location of district makes it a travel hub for all three north Indian states (Kashmir, Himanchal Pradesh, and Punjab). The beautiful city is widely known for picturesque tourist attractions. The most significant travel destinations of Pathankot include Mukteshwar Temple, Nurpur Fort, River Jabba, Nagni Temple, Kathgarh Temple, Shahpur Kandi Fort, Ranjit Sagar Dam, Jwalaji, Hydraulic Research Stations, Chintpurni, Sri Chinmayya Temple, and many more.

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