Car Rental Services Gaya

Hire Taxi in Gaya

Car Package For Gaya
Booking Type Local Usage
Pick-up-Date 23/02/2025
No of days 1

  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare .00
Total Km: 80 Kms.
Parking:Extra(if applicable)
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:/km
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  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare .00
Total Km: 80 Kms.
Parking:Extra(if applicable)
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:/km
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  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare .00
Total Km: 80 Kms.
Parking:Extra(if applicable)
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:/km
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Related Routes

Car Hire In Gaya


Full Day Hire Service


We have designed this package is for local city usages. The details are available online at our portal. The Local Full Day service is available for a variety of local trips including sightseeing, shopping, attending meetings, seminars, visiting hospitals, and a lot more.


Half Day Hire Service


For a short trip, reach us for online. The program is offered for local city tour usages. You can expect the following under this category:


·               Airport Transfer in Gaya

·               Car rental service for Marriage party and event

·               Corporate Cab Rental in Gaya

·               Railway Transfer

·               Visiting hospitals

·               A lot more


Gaya Transfer Taxi Rental Services


The pickup and drop facility has been designed by our expert team to get tourists move from one destination to the other. These include but are not limited to the following:


·               Airport pickups and drops

·               Hotels pickups and drops

·               Railway station pickups and drops

·               Bus stand pickups and drops


Gaya Cab Rental Services for Outstation Travel


Exclusive packages are available for outstation travel. These packages are just right for weekend getaways, trip with friends, excursions, and family leisure trip outside the city limits. We also arrange for group packages from Gaya to places nearby. The cars sent across will accommodate group size to ensure maximum convenience.

The Outstation Cab Rental Service is divided into the following:


Roundtrip Hire Service


This is a typical to and fro provision offered in Gaya for multiple destinations from the holy city of Gaya.


One Way Drop Hire Service


This is a special package designed to for one way drop to traveller’s destinations from Gaya.


Multi City Travel Hire Service


This is a 100% safe, comfortable, and pleasant travel package available for multiple cities at a given period of time.


Customized Car Rental Packages from Gaya


This is a fully customized package tailored according to traveller’s requirement. Some of the most popular tour packages under this category include the following listed below:


·               Honeymoon car rental packages

·               Adventure car rental packages

·               Pilgrimage car rental packages

·               Corporate car rental packages

We also offer special Gaya city sightseeing tours and any other customized cab rental packages.

At My Taxi India, we guarantee the unsurpassed car rental services in Gaya at highly affordable rates.




Bodhgaya experiences extreme climatic conditions. During summer months (March till May), it gets more than 43°C high on an average. Monsoon comes between the period late May and September. This is the when Bodhgaya gets abundant of rainfall which is a respite from summer heat. Winter remains pleasant and enjoyable for tourists.




According to the 2011 India census, Gaya Urban Agglomeration (Gaya (Municipal Corporation), Kaler (Out Growth) and Paharpur (Census Town) has a population of 470,839 at present.


Major Business


Gaya is home to a large number of household industries such as production of tilkut and lai, production of agarbattis, stone crafting, power looms, and hand looms. Gaya functions as a service centre for the nearby towns and villages. Gaya being a significant centre for religious tourism, this contributes to major economy to the city. There is no Large Scale Industries / Public Sector undertakings in the city.


Best Place Visit in Gaya


Gaya is one of the most renowned holy places for Hindus. The holy site is visited by over thousands of devotees every year basis. The Vishnu temple is the main pilgrimage center in Gaya. Legend has it that the temple was built on Lord Vishnu’s footsteps. Hence, it is considered very sacred by the devotees. As per the belief by Hindus, if the final rights are performed in the Gaya, the departed soul goes to heaven. The place is widely revered in India and abroad for its tourism treasures such as Mahabodhi Temple, Animesh Lochan Chaitya, Mahabodhi Tree, Chankramana, Ratnagarh, Chinese Temple & Monastery the 80 ft Statue of the Buddha, Buddha Kund, Lotus Tank, Rajayatana, Brahm Yoni, Burmese Temple, Dungeshwari Hill (Prag bodhi) Buddhist Monastery of Bhutan, International Buddhist House & Japanese Temple, Thai Temple & Monastery, Tibetan Monastery, Sujata village (2 kms), Archaeological Museum, and Maitraya Project.