Car Package For Gangtok
Booking Type Local Usage
Pick-up-Date 22/02/2025
No of days 1

Indica or Equivalent

  • 4
  • 3
  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare 3800
Total Km/Day: 80 Kms.
Service-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Toll-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Parking:Extra(as applicable)
State-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Additional Charges:
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:200/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:35/km
After 15 minutes of waiting from pickup time, Rs. 2/min. will be charged extra.

Sumo or Equivalent

  • 8
  • 6
  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare 4800
Total Km/Day: 80 Kms.
Service-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Toll-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Parking:Extra(as applicable)
State-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Additional Charges:
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:200/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:38/km
After 15 minutes of waiting from pickup time, Rs. 2/min. will be charged extra.

Innova or Equivalent

  • 6
  • 4
  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare 4900
Total Km/Day: 80 Kms.
Service-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Toll-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Parking:Extra(as applicable)
State-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Additional Charges:
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:200/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:40/km
After 15 minutes of waiting from pickup time, Rs. 2/min. will be charged extra.

Best Car Rental Service in Gangtok

Car rental service in Gangtok is become a matter of single click with MyTaxiIndia (MTI). At MyTaxiIndia you can book taxi in Gangtok for airport transfer / Railway station transfer. You can check the price online for Gangtok taxi rental service and hire car, taxi in Gangtok for out station and local trip.


Gangtok is the capital and largest town of the Indian state of Sikkim. Gangtok is at the centre of Sikkim’s tourism industry.  Gangtok is a busting, friendly hill station, and one of the cleanest cities you would ever come across, highly organized and beautiful, also known as the "Switzerland of the west ".


Mytaxiindia (MTI) Car rental services in Gangtok:

  • Airport Transfer in Gangtok
  • Car hire in Gangtok for local uses
  • Gangtok Taxi Hire package for Out station uses
  • Hire taxi on rent in Gangtok for M.I.C.E
  • Gangtok Car rental service for Marriage, party and event
  • Corporate Cab Rental in  Gangtok


 Gangtok is well connected by all means of transportation. If you are coming via Airways the nearest airport is Bagdogra airport. If you are coming via Train the nearest train station is New Jalpaiguri.


 We at My Taxi India make your journey to this beautiful and highly organized city a remarkable journey.


 Gangtok is a cosmopolitan town who offers the tourist all possible amenities. Hotels are available in a range of prices along with a variety of eateries. Shopping complexes, cyber cafes, night clubs and pool parlours abound for those so inclined.


 The most happening place to visit in Gangtok is MG marg, the country's first litter and split free zone. You can sit at the titanic park and enjoy all the beautiful scenes of Himalayas.


 You can easily book taxi from New Jalpaiguri to Gangtok and Bagdogra to Gangtok taxi for your tour trip. We have specialized chauffeurs and cars to make your journey comfortable during your trip. Come and experience the "Switzerland of East” with MyTaxiIndia.