Car Package For Darjeeling
Booking Type Local Usage
Pick-up-Date 22/02/2025
No of days 1

Indica or Equivalent

  • 4
  • 3
  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare 2500
Total Km/Day: 80 Kms.
Service-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Toll-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Parking:Extra(as applicable)
State-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Additional Charges:
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:200/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:20/km
After 15 minutes of waiting from pickup time, Rs. 2/min. will be charged extra.
Non Refundable

Sumo or Equivalent

  • 8
  • 6
  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare 3000
Total Km/Day: 80 Kms.
Service-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Toll-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Parking:Extra(as applicable)
State-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Additional Charges:
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:200/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:25/km
After 15 minutes of waiting from pickup time, Rs. 2/min. will be charged extra.
Non Refundable

Innova or Equivalent

  • 6
  • 4
  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare 3500
Total Km/Day: 80 Kms.
Service-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Toll-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Parking:Extra(as applicable)
State-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Additional Charges:
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:200/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:40/km
After 15 minutes of waiting from pickup time, Rs. 2/min. will be charged extra.
Non Refundable

Best Car Rental Service in Darjeeling

Car rental service in Darjeeling is become a matter of single click with MyTaxiIndia (MTI). At MyTaxiIndia you can book taxi in Darjeeling for airport transfer / Railway station transfer. You can check the price online for Darjeeling taxi rental service and hire car, taxi in Darjeeling for out station and local trip.


Darjeeling is a town in the Indian state of West Bengal. A popular tourist destination known for its beautiful Kanchengjunga hill, that’s why it is also known as "Queen of hills".


Mytaxiindia (MTI) Car rental services in Darjeeling:

  • Airport Transfer in Darjeeling
  • Car hire in Darjeeling for local uses
  • Darjeeling Taxi Hire package for Out station uses
  • Hire taxi on rent in Darjeeling for M.I.C.E
  • Darjeeling Car rental service for Marriage, party and event
  • Corporate Cab Rental in  Darjeeling


Darjeeling is noted for its sprawling tree plants spread across thousands of acres and the famous Darjeeling Himalayan Railway; a UNESCO world heritage site will make your journey a unique experience.


The town became the summer capital of India because of the heavy footfall in summers when tourists came here to enjoy the beautiful mountain scenes and amid environment of peace all around.


 If you’re travelling via Plane, the nearest airport is Bagdogra, near siliguri. And if via Train, then the nearest station is New Jalpaiguri which connects the city with all major parts of the country.


The most popular mode of transport is taxi and MyTaxiIndia’s user friendly Darjeeling car rental portal makes taxi booking in Darjeeling more easy and convenient.


The sightseeing of all the mountains and plains of Darjeeling will be seen from taxi is more satisfying and joyful where you can feel the beauty from nearby.


We at MyTaxiindia make your journey to Darjeeling an unforgettable one.


The famous places to see in Darjeeling are Himalayan zoo, Tiger hill, Observatory hill, Rock garden, Batasia loop, Nightingale Park, etc.


Darjeeling is famous for its six T'S - tea, teak, tourism, toy train, tiger hill, trekkers' paradise.


Come and book taxi with us for your lifetime Darjeeling experience.