Car Package For Aurangabad
Booking Type Local Usage
Pick-up-Date 22/02/2025
No of days 1

Indica or Equivalent

  • 4
  • 3
  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare 1600
Total Km/Day: 80 Kms.
Service-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Toll-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Parking:Extra(as applicable)
State-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Additional Charges:
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:100/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:10/km
After 15 minutes of waiting from pickup time, Rs. 2/min. will be charged extra.

Indigo or Equivalent

  • 4
  • 3
  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare 1700
Total Km/Day: 80 Kms.
Service-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Toll-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Parking:Extra(as applicable)
State-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Additional Charges:
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:100/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:10/km
After 15 minutes of waiting from pickup time, Rs. 2/min. will be charged extra.

Innova or Equivalent

  • 6
  • 4
  • AC
Fare Summary
Total Fare 2100
Total Km/Day: 80 Kms.
Service-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Toll-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Parking:Extra(as applicable)
State-Tax:Extra(as applicable)
Additional Charges:
Extra Charge after 8 Hrs:120/hr
Extra Charge after 80 Kms:12/km
After 15 minutes of waiting from pickup time, Rs. 2/min. will be charged extra.

Best Car Rental Service in Aurangabad

Car rental service in Aurangabad is become a matter of single click with MyTaxiIndia (MTI). At MyTaxiIndia you can book taxi in Aurangabad for airport transfer / Railway station transfer. You can check the price online for Aurangabad taxi rental service and hire car, taxi in Aurangabad for out station and local trip.


Aurangabad is a city in the Aurangabad District of Maharashtra, India. The city is a tourist hub , surrounded with many historical monuments , including the Ajanta Caves and Ellora caves ( UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES) . From year 2011 is offering Taxi hire in Aurangabad to traveller 24 x7. Aurangabad is known as tourism capital of Maharashtra. Aurangabad is also surrounded by some of very famous city like : Shani Shingnapur, Shirdi, Pune and Nashik .


MyTaxiIndia (MTI) Car rental services in Aurangabad :

  • Airport Transfer in Aurangabad
  • Car hire in Aurangabad  for local uses
  • Aurangabad  Taxi Hire package for Out station uses
  • Hire taxi on rent in Aurangabad  for M.I.C.E
  • Aurangabad  Car rental service for Marriage, party and event

Aurangabad houses the very popular Prozone Mall which is the first largest Horizontally designed shopping mall in India.  Aurangabad is an airport serving city and has connecting flights to Hyderabad , Delhi , Udaipur etc. Aurangabad is well connected through railways also.


The ideal way to travel Aurangabad is through tourist / chauffeur driven taxis. Therefore we at MyTaxiIndia provide one of the top services for taxi hire with chauffeur driven cars to make your travel to Ajanta and Ellora caves more special.


You can choose the vehicles according to your choice (AC or Non-AC) . The famous places to visit in Aurangabad are Ajanta and Ellora caves, Ghrishneshwar temple, Daulatabad, Bibi ka Maqbara, Panchakki, Aurangabad Caves etc.  You can choose from a wide variety of vehicles from our fleet. Not only this you easily book a taxi by logging to our 24*7 website or can directly to our customer care numbers.  Come and visit Aurangabad with MyTaxiIndia’s Aurangabad car rental Service.